Monday, November 21, 2016

The Legend

Babe: The Legend Comes to Life - Robert Creamer

Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Copyright: 1992
Pages: 448  

This book would be good for students in higher grades because there is a lot that goes into baseball and the league and it would be easier for them to understand. This books genre is a biography because it is talking about the life of Babe Ruth. 

This book is about the famous Babe Ruth who was a professional baseball player. He is an authentic hero for the role he played in the baseball community. This biography is a great portrayal of this mans career and life. It goes through the stages of his baseball career and where he played throughout his years in the league.

Book Use
This book is a really great book for students who like sports because it essentially is idolizing a legend of baseball and all the wonderful things he did. Having motivational books like this in the classroom will be very beneficial for students to have a good taste of different genres. Biographies may be boring for students who don't like that person/subject that is being talked about. In my classroom I would get a ton of different biographies that cover different topics and get students to pick one to do research on and read. This gives them the opportunity to be in charge of their own learning and pick something that they find interesting. Once the students are done reading the books, I would also give them about 8 different options to choose in presenting their books. This pushes them to be involved in the learning process and what they are doing within the classroom. They would get to choose from, book in a bag, poster of them and create a biography on themselves, postcard from the person in their book back in the day, a PowerPoint presentation, questions that you would ask them in an interview if you got a chance, book jacket, poster depicting the main accomplishments/disasters of the book, and creating a video that shows everything there is to know about the person/people in the book. 
All of these options are different enough that it should cover all the basis for the different learning styles within the classroom.

                                       <3<3<3                      <3<3                          <3                     No <3
Rating System

If the theme is well developed and the message is portrayed very clearly.
The theme makes sense; however, it could be more developed.
The message is hard to find in the story and there isn’t much of a theme to go off of.
There isn’t a theme at all.
The plot is very well developed and everything flows smoothly.
The plot has a few gaps, but the story still is capable of moving along.
The plot has gaps that makes it hard to move the story along.
There is no plot in this book.
All the characters are developed well in the story.
There is more detail that could be added to the characters.
Characters are very poorly developed.
Characters aren’t developed at all.
The setting is described in detail and is necessary for the story to make sense.
The setting is described alright and still is needed to help the story make sense.
The setting is described alright, but it isn’t needed to help the story move along.
The setting provided is not necessary for the story to occur.
The illustrations are very detailed and help move the story along.
The illustrations are good, but don’t help the story move along.
The illustrations aren’t the best.
There are no meaningful illustrations at all.
Theme <3<3<3 - I thought the theme in this book was good and that it followed along well with the life of Babe Ruth and that it wasn't awkwardly just added into the book.
Plot <3<3<3 - The plot of the book and the direction that the book took was really good. It followed a good part of his life and described a lot about it at the time. It flowed smoothly and was very well developed.
Characters <3<3<3 - Babe Ruth was developed well and portrayed in a great manner. His life is one that a lot of people idolize and he is definitely a man to look up to when it comes to sports and baseball in particular.
Setting <3<3<3 - The setting took place through his life and followed wherever he went. Without the setting this book wouldn't be nearly as good or meaningful as it is.
Illustrations No <3 - Other than the title page, there aren't many images/illustrations in this book, but the story moves along really well without them.

This is a great biography for any sports fan to read! 

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