Wednesday, October 12, 2016

"Lovely Seasons"

Poetry for Young People

Written by Robert Frost
Edited by Gary Schmidt
Illustrated by Henri Sorensen

Publisher: Sterling Publishing Company
Copyright: 1994
# of Pages: 48

This book is from about the 3rd grade up in grade reading level. This book is full of poems and for a genre is poetry.

This book talk all about the different seasons and has a handful of poems for each season. It is a great way to get students understanding the differences between seasons and familiarizing them with poetry.

Book Use
I would definitely use this book within my classroom because of how beneficial it would be for learning seasons. I would do an activity in the fall where the students would need to find their own leaf and bring it to class. From there, I would have them create a poem about the leaf or where it was found. By doing this it gives them different options as to what type of poem to write and only guiding them slightly to write a poem.

Rating System
                                     <3<3<3                   <3<3                        <3                           No <3
Rating System

If the theme is well developed and the message is portrayed very clearly.
The theme makes sense; however, it could be more developed.
The message is hard to find in the story and there isn’t much of a theme to go off of.
There isn’t a theme at all.
The plot is very well developed and everything flows smoothly.
The plot has a few gaps, but the story still is capable of moving along.
The plot has gaps that makes it hard to move the story along.
There is no plot in this book.
All the characters are developed well in the story.
There is more detail that could be added to the characters.
Characters are very poorly developed.
Characters aren’t developed at all.
The setting is described in detail and is necessary for the story to make sense.
The setting is described alright and still is needed to help the story make sense.
The setting is described alright, but it isn’t needed to help the story move along.
The setting provided is not necessary for the story to occur.
The illustrations are very detailed and help move the story along.
The illustrations are good, but don’t help the story move along.
The illustrations aren’t the best.
There are no meaningful illustrations at all.
Theme <3<3<3 - I thought that the themes found within this book were wonderful and very well described. The different seasons were well thought out as to what poems to put within them.
Plot <3 - There wasn't much of a plot other than the progression of the different seasons; however, the progression of the seasons did keep the book flowing smoothly.
Characters <3<3<3 - The few characters that were found in this book were well developed, along with a lot of the other objects that were acting as "main characters" within some of the poems.
Setting <3<3<3 - The setting and scenes that were used worked very well with the overarching idea of the season. All of the seasons made sense and were portrayed in a lovely manner.
Illustrations <3<3<3 - These illustrations were amazing to look at because all of them were done in water colors. These definitely added to the poems and the magnificence of the book.

I would definitely recommend this book to teachers of the lower grades because it is very helpful in teaching seasons alongside poetry!

1 comment:

  1. I really like your lesson idea for this poetry book! Not being too strict about the poem they are to write is a good idea because that is where most kids start to dislike poetry.
