Wednesday, October 12, 2016

"The World of Poetry"

Poetry for Young People

Written by Carl Sandburg
Edited by  Frances Schoonmaker Bolin
Illustrated by Steven Arcella

Publisher: Sterling Publishing Company
Copyright: 1995
# of pages: 48 pages

This poetry book is good for grade levels 3 and up! It also follows the genre form of poetry because every page has at least one poem on it.

Take a trip around the world through poetry! There are many different stops that will be taken and all are quite unique. Don't pass up the opportunity to explore the world.

Book Use
I would love to use this book in my classroom because there are many things that can be taken out of this and taught. For example, it can teach students that not every poem needs to rhyme. A lot of these poems don't rhyme; however, they describe the topic of the poem wonderfully. This book also opens students up to a ton of different topics that they could write their own poems about. It is a good book for students who are having a hard time coming up with anything because there are so many simple topics that could be used.

Rating System
                                        <3<3<3                <3<3                        <3                         No <3
Rating System

If the theme is well developed and the message is portrayed very clearly.
The theme makes sense; however, it could be more developed.
The message is hard to find in the story and there isn’t much of a theme to go off of.
There isn’t a theme at all.
The plot is very well developed and everything flows smoothly.
The plot has a few gaps, but the story still is capable of moving along.
The plot has gaps that makes it hard to move the story along.
There is no plot in this book.
All the characters are developed well in the story.
There is more detail that could be added to the characters.
Characters are very poorly developed.
Characters aren’t developed at all.
The setting is described in detail and is necessary for the story to make sense.
The setting is described alright and still is needed to help the story make sense.
The setting is described alright, but it isn’t needed to help the story move along.
The setting provided is not necessary for the story to occur.
The illustrations are very detailed and help move the story along.
The illustrations are good, but don’t help the story move along.
The illustrations aren’t the best.
There are no meaningful illustrations at all.
Theme <3<3<3 - I thought the theme(s) of this book were really good and expanded well. All of the poems were well written and displayed multiple topics that could help students in different ways with poetry.
Plot <3 - I gave the plot a one because there wasn't really a story line other than through the poems it takes you around the world and shows different things throughout. 
Characters <3<3<3 - I gave the characters three hearts because in the poems that included people they were well described. Under this category I included objects as well because in some of the poems he personified things and they could be classified as the characters for that poem.
Setting <3<3<3 - I thought that the around the world setting was a really good idea and I thought that it was very interesting. It gets away from just simple household things, while getting students to explore the world around them.
Illustrations <3<3<3 - Illustrations were beautiful and really added to the poems. They made the poems much more real and easier to "see" as you are reading along.

Overall I think this is a great book to use with students when introducing and exploring poetry!


  1. I like that you would use this book to introduce a poetry unit. You could also have students "add" to the book by creating their own poems about different things in the world.

  2. I agree with Brittany. I like how you could use this book to introduce poetry in class. I have never read this book and I haven't always been a fan of poetry but I really do enjoy some poetry.

  3. There are so many lessons you could connect to when looking at poetry around the world. This book could be integrated into so many different subject areas. I think the fact that it has good illustrations is also very helpful, it will give students a connection. They can hear the poems and use the visuals to help them understand the poetry.
